Some thoughts about big companies
The big companies, such as Google , Amazon, Facebook are thriving. These companies only have history less than 20 years. But they have grown to the some largest companies around the world. We cannot follow them. They are growing in the beginning of Web, Internet technology and then grown to the largest. Moreover, they are trying to prevent other companies from competing with them. The good things are some companies, such as Uber and Airbnb are still growing to big companies. The reason it that they are doing something that tech companies does not familiar. They are actually doing business and use the technology. They succeed not because they are using some technology as Google, but they are using technology to change business model. Facebook and Amazon are the same with Uber and Airbnb. Why should we have taxi? why should we have hotels? Taxi is created after the creation of cars. Why can not we change it? We can, Uber told us the answer. Still, there something we can change using ...